According to the official news, Binance Contract will list BRUSDT and PLUMEUSDT perpetual contracts. The specific launch time: BRUSDT Perpetual Contract: will be launched on March 21, 2025 at 12:45 (UTC), providing up to 25x leverage PLUMEUSDT Perpetual Contract: will be launched at 13:00 (UTC) on March 21, 2025, with up to 25x leverage
据官方消息,币安合约将上线 BRUSDT 和 PLUMEUSDT 永续合约,具体上线时间: BRUSDT 永续合约:将于 2025 年 3 月 21 日 12:45(UTC)上线,最高可提供 25 倍杠杆 PLUMEUSDT 永续合约:将于 2025 年 3 月 21 日 13:00(UTC)上线,最高可提供 25 倍杠杆
According to official news, Binance Alpha has added AFT, PLUME, and MUBARAKAH.
据官方消息,Binance Alpha 新增 AFT、PLUME 和 MUBARAKAH。
Web3 安全服务提供商 GoPlus Security 发布公告,就社区关注的 GPS 代币回购计划进行了详细说明。 根据公告,GoPlus 一直在与币安密切合作以完成回购流程。由于执行回购需要企业账户,而 GoPlus 此前在币安没有注册企业账户,因此需要完成全面的 KYB(了解你的企业)流程。这一过程涉及母公司法务团队向相关部门申请必要文件,导致了一定延迟。 GoPlus 宣布其 K...
Musk: Tesla (TSLA. O) has beefed up security measures and activated Sentinel mode on vehicles in all of its stores.
Bank of Canada Governor Michael McCallum said that U.S. tariffs could put downward pressure on Canadian energy prices, reducing the profitability of producers.
According to the official announcement, Value Creation, a real estate and digital transformation company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan, announced that it spent 100 million yen (about 673,900 dollars) to buy 8.02 bitcoins, and the purchase price was 1246,333 yen (about 8,398.98 dollars) each.
据官方公告,日本东京证券交易所上市的房地产和数字转型公司Value Creation宣布斥资1亿日元(约67.39万美元)购入8.02枚比特币,购入价格为每枚1246333日元(约8398.98美元)。
AI 创业公司 Pluralis Research 宣布完成 760 万美元融资。此轮融资由风险投资公司 CoinFund 和 Union Square Ventures 领投,Topology、Variant、Eden Block 和 Bodhi Ventures 参投,知名加密货币投资者 Balaji Srinivasan 和 HuggingFace 联合创始人 Clem Delangue 也参与其中。
据链上分析师余烬监测,一月一解锁的Blur在4小时前解锁了2169万枚BLUR(232万美元),接下来应该会跟之前一样转进Coinbase Prime。 Blur自2023/6/15进入解锁周期以来,已经解锁了35%总量的BLUR(10.44亿枚)并转进Coinbase Prime进入市场流通。以转出时的价格计算,价值3.37亿美元。转出平均价0.32美元。
YZi Labs announced an investment in Plume Network, an aggregation module blockchain focused on the RWA space. The specific investment amount has not been disclosed yet.
YZi Labs 宣布投资 Plume Network,后者是一个专注于 RWA 领域的聚合模块区块链,具体投资金额暂未披露。